
Tokyo Sky Tree


"Tokyo Sky Tree" will be seen in the Narihirabashi/Oshiage area of Sumida Ward, Tokyo in 2012. Boasting a height of 634m, the tower will be one of the world's tallest.

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Photos by Tristan Gomez

13th Domanaka Festival (Nagoya, Japan)


The Domanaka Matsuri is the largest dance festival in the Chuba region, with 210 dance teams and 23,000 performers taking part yearly. It will be held from August 26-28, 2011.

Here are some pictures taken by a friend of mine.



Game Review #4: Finger Slayer (Android/iOS)

Finger Slayer has one of the simplest gameplay - put your finger under something dangerous and remove it before something bad happens.

I showed the game to some friends and I realized something: for the first few tries, the game will definitely make anyone chuckle.

It's a fun, heart-racing game that can make you sweat with excitement. But is there more to it?

Read more after the jump.


Gadget Review #5: Nintendo 3DS

Note: this review was written before the 3DS price drop. After the 50% mark down, I'd say the final ratings should be affected and it should rise a couple of notches. But I left it as it is just to give you a glimpse of my first impressions on this gadget. I don't have a 3DS anymore, I sold it, so I can't review it again.

Admit it, the fact that the Nintendo 3DS has a glasses-free 3D screen piques your curiousity.

In my case, it certainly did.

I mean, imagine playing all those classic Nintendo games, but this time, in 3D! How cool is that?

Unfortunately, this time, Nintendo failed on many levels, and while the Nintendo 3DS is still a fun, fun, fun gadget to have, it failed to live up to its enormous potential.

More details after the jump.


Japan Stuff: Aibon Eye Wash

Aibon is an eye wash used after removing contact lenses. I highly recommend this product to all contact lens users. It helps refresh your eyes after so many hours of wearing lenses.

Here is the one I use:

Japan Stuff: かき氷 (kakigoori)

Kakigoori is a famous Japanese dessert especially during summer. It is made of shaved ice and topped with flavored syrup. You can often see it at omatsuri (summer festivals) and even on convenient stores.

Today, on our way home, I saw a kakigoori stall. And since it was very hot, I decided to buy for me and my son. It costs ¥100 (about 50 php). Eventhough it was self-service, the staff was very nice to assist me on how to make it since I have no idea how to do it haha.

Here's the shaver:


Gadget Review #4: iPad 2

I have a confession to make. When the first iPad came out, I thought it was Apple's most useless product (now I think it's the Nano 6).

Just over a year later, I'm enjoying my own iPad, and more.

So what finally convinced me?

What's the use of a tablet?

And why the expensive Apple, and not a cheaper Android tablet?

My story after the jump.